International project: how to successfully deploy ERP and CRM systems?

To thrive economically on the global stage, it is crucial to expand your business activity and presence beyond national borders. To support this expansion, appropriate ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solutions are implemented. However, their deployment can often present several challenges. In this article, you will find all the elements you need to successfully carry out your international project.

04 June 2024

  • Visual Absys Cyborg Global Solutions article

What challenges can be encountered during an International ERP and CRM project?

Working across a broad geographic area with disparate existing systems can be a complex and challenging task. To help you prepare for it as effectively as possible, here are five key points to pay particular attention to.

The complexity of local regulations

Varying from one country to another, local regulations, tax laws, privacy requirements, and data compliance are all elements that must be mastered. An adapted information system is necessary to meet these specific requirements, often requiring in-depth local expertise.

Language and cultural barriers

Another major point is the linguistic and cultural differences. An international CRM or ERP system must not only be available in the local language but also adapted to the specific business and cultural practices of each country. Significant customization of the solution is often necessary for this purpose.

Potential resistance to change

International projects often entail significant organizational changes. These can cause stress and apprehension among teams, who may be more resistant to adopting a new solution.

Integration of existing systems

Integrating a new international ERP or CRM with existing systems can be complex, especially if the current information system is present in multiple countries but is non-standardized or involves disparate solutions. Ensuring data integrity and continuity of operations is essential to avoid disrupting your business activities.

Infrastructure and connectivity

Finally, constraints related to technological infrastructure and tools connectivity can complicate the smooth execution of an international project. The reliability of internet access, data security, and system performance are key factors to consider both in advance and during deployment.


To ensure the success of your project, you need to choose a suitable management solution and an experienced partner to accompany you. The latter will provide meticulous planning, a deep understanding of local markets, and project management expertise to assist you throughout your international project.




Choosing your International ERP or CRM

For your overseas subsidiary or warehouses on the other side of the world, an international CRM or ERP system offers numerous advantages: data centralization, cost reduction, improved service quality, and operational efficiency. All these benefits will help you develop your business and enhance your customer experience.

More generally, it will enable the implementation of a global information system that fosters collaboration between the various entities and teams within your organization.

Several solutions are suitable for this purpose, notably Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central or Sage X3, which are among the most adapted on the market.


Expert advice to successfully deploy an International ERP or CRM


Step 1: assess needs and conduct strategic planning

First and foremost, it is crucial to assess the specific needs of your company and plan the deployment. This involves defining the objectives to be achieved with the new system and choosing the ERP or CRM solution that best aligns with your company's international ambitions.

Step 2: choose the right partner

Choosing a partner to support you in your project is essential. This partner must not only understand the specifics of your industry but also have recognized expertise in managing international projects. They should also master the deployment of the chosen management solution to provide comprehensive support from start to finish.

I have an international project

Step 3: focus on customization and integration

As each market has its specificities, the chosen management solution must be able to adapt to local requirements while remaining integrated within the global structure of the company. For this, the Core Model method is one of the most adapted and widely used, recognized as THE reference in developing management tools on an international scale.

Step 4: plan training and support

Successful deployment requires thorough training and continuous support for teams. It is important to ensure that all users fully understand how the chosen system operates and can leverage it to its maximum potential.

Step 5: conduct continuous monitoring and optimization

After deployment, rigorous monitoring is necessary to ensure the system functions as expected and to identify areas for improvement. Continuous optimization of the ERP or CRM system is crucial to take advantage of new features and adaptations that could benefit the company.

As you can see, an international deployment project of an ERP or CRM solution is a major step for any company looking to expand its presence in the global market. Beyond a simple technological tool, it involves supporting the company's strategy with a management solution tailored to its development projects and international ambitions. While this may seem like a significant undertaking, choosing the right solution and a specialized partner will be decisive in enabling you to approach your project with confidence.

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