Artificial Intelligence: Creating Treasury’s Future, Today

Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) are becoming essential for treasury operation, cash flow forecasting etc. This eBook explains the use cases for AI/ML within treasury and finance, as well as the barriers preventing mass adoption of the technology.

Applying AI/ML to Finance & Treasury

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence. It is used to control data management. It can be used in various functions such as:

  • Cash flow forecasting
  • Payment fraud detection
  • Working capital optimisation


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AI and ML functionality for finance and treasury

With the emergence of applications in many areas and the APIs used by banks and technology providers, finance and treasury departments have easier access to data. The main functionalities of AI and ML are as follows:

  • Data analysis
  • Identifying trends and patterns
  • Receivables management
  • Isolation Forest to compare all different variables in the data source to new payments


Value for Finance & Treasury: Machine Learning Use Cases

Solutions based on new technologies such as AI allow companies to accelerate their growth. They offer companies optimised cash management. With AI, companies can optimise payment processes, which are still manual in many companies.

Cash management AI can provide clear visual cash forecasting dashboards that can be customised to the needs of businesses.

This allows treasury to determine how much of its budget it can allocate towards certain expenditures over that time period.


What are the actions?

Factors such as economic difficulties and rising global inflation can make it difficult to justify spending on new technologies. As a result, businesses can face significant challenges if they do not adapt to technological advances.

AI tools help reduce errors in historical data. They are also decision support tools for treasury departments.

CFOs need to make strategic decisions to optimise financial management and data analysis. Cloud-based treasury solutions such as Kyriba solutions allow finance departments to access their data in real time.

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